Has Your Organization Become Similar To A Sect?

And what could you do about it?

Frédéric Bagutti
11 min readNov 29, 2023
Religious sect gradient square icon vector image

“A sect or party is an elegant incognito devised to save a man from the vexation of thinking.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson, 20 June 1831

A sect: a group of religious or mystical inspiration, living in a community under the influence of masters or gurus.

A sect: a group of people who share a particular set of political beliefs.

A clan made up of people with the same values and ideology.

Sect, from Latin secta faction, following, from the stem of sequī to follow.

Follow the leader. Follow or get out of the way.

Not so long ago, in the last century, we witnessed the erosion of the “grand narratives” that had framed our lives for centuries: the church, politics, and even the family no longer offer the same meaning as before.

Everything has somehow become relative, and the consequent loss of a moral compass and an ethical framework to guide humans in a secular world has created a vacuum into which self-serving and corruption have entered.

And also corporate organizations.



Frédéric Bagutti
Frédéric Bagutti

Written by Frédéric Bagutti

Organizational psychologist, executive and team coach, coach supervisor, MSc, DESS, EMCCC INSEAD. You can find me at: www.bagutticonsulting.com

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