What is the main purpose of executive coaching interventions?

A relational coaching approach informed by systems psychodynamics

Frédéric Bagutti
3 min readJul 26, 2023

As an organizational psychologist working with a relational approach informed by systems psychodynamics, the main purpose of my coaching interventions is to enhance meaningful behavioral change through self-awareness and learning, and ultimately contribute to individual and organizational success.

Self-awareness is approached as a complex construct that can be developed through self-reflection (focus, evaluation, feedback). It provides individuals with an awareness of their internal state (emotions, cognitions, physiological responses) that drives their behaviors (values, beliefs, motivations, habits) and an awareness of how this impacts and influence others.

Bringing into consciousness what has previously been outside your awareness and gaining insight into how organizational performance is influenced by both conscious and unconscious behavior, you will uncover new options and grasp opportunities to take up your organizational role more effectively.

Facing complex and challenging leadership situations or during phases of organizational and personal change (career move, job transition, onboarding, midlife reorientation), we explore ‘the unthought’, what is…



Frédéric Bagutti

Organizational psychologist, executive and team coach, coach supervisor, MSc, DESS, EMCCC INSEAD. You can find me at: www.bagutticonsulting.com